
Friday, July 13, 2012

Vive le France (well...Paris)

In celebration of Bastille day tomorrow (14th July) I decided to take a look at what makes French women so damn fashionable. As an ex-Parisian myself I often found myself wondering how even young girls have so much style. You only have to look at Vanessa Paradis daughter to see that this is true. Whilst I lived there I never quite got the hang of it, but I'm blaming that on the fact that I was young and didn't see much daylight through too much enjoyment of eating and drinking.

"We're laughing because we have great style.."

There is a French uniform that forms the base of many outfits, and most women slide up and down this scale. Here's what you need to inject a bit of  into your wardrobe and a few ideas.

The basic French uniform tends to consist of:
  1. Blazers, usually in navy or black with a wool base. (Sometimes Fur or dense warm fabrics).
  2. Slim cut mid wash jeans and/or dark denim jeans.
  3. Black pants in various styles, think wide leg or cigarette pant. No in between.
  4. Scarves, lots of them
  5. Large quality bags, over the shoulder and elbow hang style.
  6. Walkable boots or heels in black or neutral colours, not skyscrapers!!
  7. A plethora of plain well cut tops, shirts and tshirts in good cotton. (Think Fluxus and Life With Bird)
  8. A good blue shirt
  9. Classic sunglasses

Parisian women do not wear:
  1. Anything sports related, wind cheaters, tracksuit pants, Uggs, you name it. Don't do it. 
  2. Pastels or anything too girly.
Here is something else I know about French women from my time living there. They walk everywhere, Paris is a walkers city and that's how they stay in shape. They invest in their makeup and buy good quality classic items like eyeline and a good lipstick. They do not wear much make up. French women are huge fans of the weekly blow wave and it is totally acceptable to fit this in to your working day. They shop for fresh food daily. Supermarkets do not rule in France, fresh produce does. Think bread, veggies and meats. Food and wine is to be enjoyed and savoured which is why culturally they rarely have problems with binge drinking.  (obviously as with any countries there are exceptions to my observations!).
Vanessa Paradis, oh so chic, even without Johnny

I've created 2 key looks abiding by some of my base rules on Polyvore. All the items that I have used in these sets can be found here. Enjoy playing with this look. Type in 'Paris street style' on Pinterest and have a look what is there for further inspiration!

My uniform, I am definitely a blazer and jeans girl

If I had good legs, I would be rocking this look!

Thanks to all the image owners!

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